Tuesday, November 10, 2009

" Enjoy A Happy and Healthy Life"

A Happy And Healthy Life can be Enjoyed Life... by  Seniors!

Every one today is preaching to you about the benefits of healthy living. However, all seniors should attempt to see a very important message lies at the heart of our preaching - we all should  make the effort to be healthy in order to improve our quality of life.

Substaining health is all about moderation. So what that means, do not go from on extreme to another. WHY? It just takes all of the enjoyment out of life. We all  like something that is bad for us, cutting down, rather than removing it entirely, maybe easier, than being miserable. Now that is just my opinion, there are certain key areas that require attention if an individual Senior wants to stay healthy:

Lets get into some of the obvious, Tobacco:  The warnings, what smoking can do to us. yet a large number of seniors still smoke.  You are more vulnerable to breathing difficulties. There are now clinics, medication and counselling sessions  that are aimed at those looking to quit. If you don't want to quit though, it would be advisable to cut down. Poor circulation, lung cancer and pneumonia are just some of the illnesses associated with smoking. You may  ask yourself how long you really want to be around for before lighting up next time.

Alcohol: Again there is nothing wrong with consuming alcohol, it is the results that can be harmfull. Moderation is the answer. Health guidelines state that men should not consume no more than two units , and women should limit themselves to one. A unit is the equivalent of a glass of wine or beer, or a shot of liquor. Now, all alcohol can contribute to certain cancers and liver disease and thus should be consumed sensibly.

Exercise: Seniors should exercise at least 1 hour's worth of exercise every week. It can be split into segments so long as you get the hour in a week. This exercise gives the muscles and joints a work out. This can ensure that they remain supple and flexible, thus cutting the risk of arthritis and stiff joints. It can  also get the blood pumping, boost your immune system and thus keep any diseases or illnesses at bay to ensure that you enjoy your Senior health rather than let it rule your life.

Nutrition: Diet is more important  for Seniors. Diabetes is common in seniors and, for the most part, has to be controlled by diet. Other ailments such as osteoporosis and arthritis can also be aided by a carefully controlled diet. Although none of these illnesses can be cured by a healthy diet, the condition that senior bodies are in can. Eating nutritious wholesome meals can give seniors the strength to fight against these effects.

Medical attention: Seniors should get regular health check ups, including blood pressure and sight/hearing exams. Blood glucose should also be tested so any sign of diabetes can be detected. What is more important than your health?  If you take care of your body, it will take care of you!

Regardless, how long each and eveyone of us has to live, trying to stay healthy will probably prolong our lives and certianly improve the quality of them. To good Health.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Basics and Unknowns

Todays Health  announces a series of health articles about Sugar Basics. Supplements, and the Sugat you should know about and would use, if you only knew about them..

For more information on this series CLICK HERE

Friday, October 16, 2009

Additional Content... Sugar


Seek out the Additional Content...Sugar and a 3 part series on Sugar Basics, Supllements, and Sugar Unknows on the following site

Click Here!

Sugar Addional Content

Watch for the following articles

Spice of Life!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sugar, "The History"

Sugar, "The History"

Sugar, the word was derived actually from Arabic and Persia.

Sugar definitely has a long history. It is believed by historians, that cane sugar was first consumed by man in Polynesia and then spread to India.

In 510 BC .the Emperor Darius , of Persia, had invaded India, where he found " The secret of cane sugar". This was closely guarded by them, while the finished product, was exported for a rich profit.

It was the Arab peoples in the seventh century AD, that led to uncovering the secret. When they invaded Persia in 642 AD, they found the sugar cane being grown.Through their expansion, sugar production, moved into other lands that they conquered including North Africa and Spain.

The western Europeans discovered sugar as a result of the Crusades in the 11th Century AD.. The Crusaders after returning home spoke of this "new spice" and how pleasant it was.

The following centuries saw a major expansion of western European trade with the East, including the importation of sugar. Sugar at this time was still very much a luxury.

In the 15th century AD, European sugar was refined in Venice, within the same century, Columbus sailed to the Americas, and his records indicate that in 1493, he took sugar cane plants to grow in the Caribbean. There the climate was so advantageous for the growth of the cane, that the sugar industry was quickly established.

By 1750 there were many sugar refineries operating in Britain, sugar was still a luxury and vast profits were being made so much, that sugar was called "white gold".

Governments recognized the vast profits to be made from sugar and taxed it highly.

In Britain for instance, sugar tax in 1781 totalled £326,000, a figure that had grown by 1815 to £3,000,000. This situation was to stay until 1874 when the British government, under Prime Minister Gladstone, abolished the tax and brought sugar prices within the means of the ordinary citizen.

The Sugar beet was first identified as a source of sugar in 1747.By now, the already invested interests in the cane sugar plantations were made, so surly it (Sugar Beets) stayed just that, a curiosity!

Not until the Napoleonic wars, the start of the 19th century, when Britain blockaded sugar imports,to continental Europe, that the sugar beet had replaced sugar cane as the main source of sugar on continental Europe.

The introduction of beet sugar in England was not until the First World War when Britain's sugar imports were threatened.

Today's modern sugar industry is under scrutiny by numerous regulations and I will leave that for some one else to divulge.

Sugar , its annual consumption, is now running at about 120 million tons and is expanding at a rate of about 2 million tons per annum. The European Union, Brazil and India are the top three producers and together account for some 40% of the annual production.

Now with hundreds of years of world Industry and profits, just like in those years when the sugar beet was just curiousity, man has strived with science and technology to find yet another product or products to compete or replace the Sugar market as its been known for centuries.


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Milk is Mooing

My favorite drink is Mooing...its secrets are being told...If Milk could talk, perhaps it would say, "I have had enough aterations, additives, and hormones".

Milk has been a main drink at the dinner table, perhaps before the table was invented. Yet, man continues to search for the need to use this product, to add vitamins, that we are in need of, because of our eating habits, and to alter this drink for the benefits for those who choose to drink it.

Is this fact beneficial...or are the facts piling up against this now made over drink. Are we now in need to read the fine print on the Milk carton as well.

Check out this new Release Milks Secrets

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Todays Health article is completely tainted with tall tales or is there some truth to all the articles, postings, and comments, "That Chocolate milk is not really what it used to be"

Chocolate milk being as we know it... a sweetened, cocoa flavored milk drink that we were all convinced , through the years, that it was really healthy for us.

Then came the comments...

Chocolate milk is made from white milk containing too much blood, basically non saleable milk.

Now for a fact, having grown up on a Grade A Dairy...this does happen, blood does get into the milk from a cow who has various things going on... but there are strong regulations in place regarding these actions.

So these tainted tales get started by those who are grabbing for something to catch are attention. Perhaps they too, should read the fine print, as I stated in one of my recent articles.

Yet Fear, has been placed into our heads, that awful things may be hidden in the depths of this thick dark chocolate colored liquid that we all love to drink.

Parents and children alike have made joking or horrid comments or claims that this chocolate stuff we have come to love is...

THe Secrets of chocolate milk...Click here

Monday, June 29, 2009

SUGAR and Todays Health

This article was just released:

Sugar... America’s Own Epidemic

posted on http://todayshealthsite.com/tag/sugar

This article covers why we are becoming addicted to sugar, its health ramifications, and why we need to take a look at our own personal intake of sugar. Also the so called sugar additives, that pile up our intake, seemed to be found in just about everything we eat or drink. We need to become educated in our intake of sugar, and to continue to read the fine print. Check this out...so you too may lead a healthier life today.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Control Your Sweating Naturally

"Here's How You Can Quickly and Easily Control Your Sweating Naturally.

Have you been challenged with sweating problems. Listen to others:

"I was looking for a way to reduce my sweating problems naturally. I tried this and that but nothing really seemed to help"

"My sweating problems had been so awful that I would not even dare going to a club or dinner party. After a view minutes I was sweating so heavily that it started to smell and I was totally ashamed"

Discover how to stop your sweating naturally! Simply follow a few simple tips and tricks and stop your sweating naturally… and safely.

SAY... No more to embarrassing sweating… less stress… and never worrying about being different.

Well, it isn't if you have the right information, now you do.



Wednesday, June 17, 2009


MY Serenity... Is a Peace of Mind...

How do we accomplish a peacefullness, in a world that surrounds us by an intensified media? Daily we are bombarded by all the News, and its degree of media worth, is measured by how many times we are exposed to the same story in a days time.

How does this affect our health? The agitation, disruption, or disturbing nature, and the stress put upon our lives each and every day.

Where do you find a peace of mind...

A good hot bath with soothing music,

A walk in the park, or feeding the ducks,

A daily run, listening to your favorite CD,

Gardening this time of year,

Your daily Yoga, or dance routine.

I find FOR MYSELF that building rock walls, planting flowers or rebuilding my ole truck is

my serenity.

Your Serenity...Is your stress relief !

Comment on your Serenity.

Todays Health and Serenity CLICK HERE

Friday, June 12, 2009

"Is Your Baby Crying for Hours"?

Are you Getting Any Rest?

Here's What Other Are Doing... To comfort their babies.
I think you know what I am about to say next...Most likely for YOU ARE REALLY WORN OUT and YOU ARE STRESSED about your baby who seems to cry, cry, cry for hours... without any reason.

You are, like others, are not alone. Many Parents cope with the constant crying from their colicky babies every day.

Therefore, crying doesn't always mean there's something wrong with your baby, but you should always visit a doctor to be sure.

But there are ways of caring for a baby with colic. You too can have success calming your Colicky baby.

There are many different causes... you already know it's important you take action because ...
you will feel better knowing, there are ways to treat symptoms of colic.

If you want to take steps towards quieting and calming your baby, try this baby plan to soothe the symptoms.

Click here to learn the SECRETS other Parents have used.

All information on Todays Health site is for educational purposes only, and is not medical or healthcare advice, nor a substitute for medical and professional services from a qualified healthcare provider familiar with your personal situation. For medical advice, including diagnosis and treatment, consult your physician or other healthcare provider regarding any condition and before starting any treatment.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Health drinks

Coming Shortly

Todays health drinks, soon to be released articles, exploring the benefits of todays drinks.

Why we should be careful to read the fine print....what we are actually drinking.

What are the benefits of the GREEN drinks!

What are the hottest energy drinks?

What does this all mean regarding our health!

Why is it that our youths have been turned on to this latest drink?

For more info stay tune to these sites

Health Drinks and the Fine Print

What are the Benefits of GREEN Drinks

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Todays blog...that stress has been singled out for several health issues.

How we manage these issues, the foods we eat, and the rest we get, can have a great influence
on our health today..A short news release for the article site...that goes much more in depth of the above issues... Check this out and comment!

click here for more info how you can manage with stress

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Download for Ph Miracle Diet

The download is now available at this link below.

Comments welcome

Click here for Download

Monday, June 1, 2009

Discovering how to... STOP SWEATING

Todays Health Article...
"Discovering How to Stop Sweating"

You may be asking, why such a topic, yet over 8 million people are looking for answers to this embarrassing problem.

The medical term, hyperhidrosis, is excessive sweating, known by most who indure the symptoms.

This posting is to inform you, how you might take comfort in knowing tips, about the food you eat, to the clothes you wear... can have a great influence on how much you sweat.

Just knowing how to control your sweating may lesson the stress, save on the embarrassment, and could be the best thing, regarding your health for you.

I know you probably do not want to know all the technical terms, just the basic tips, or solutions, so you can stop sweating.

Perhaps naturally, but if the natural stuff doesn't work, what are my options. So here is what I gathered, some technical and some just down to earth common sense stuff.

Click here for details

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The ph Miracle Diet: Weight loss basics, and Cooking tips

One of the biggest benefits of the ph miracle diet is weight loss. many people have turned to this diet to lose weight as well as to improve their overall level of health the ph miracle diet is very efficient at removing extra weight. Shortly coming the article will cover the basics as well as some tips for cooking, what foods are most beneficial for this program

for more info click here

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Natural Remedy for Losing Weight

A promoted remedy,
for taking off weight... all natural, has been useful for loads of things, as you will soon hear. This ingredient, Chitosan made from Chitin, has a history... you might say, but is it supposedly now marked as a fat attractant (something that attracts).

Now Chiten, is a starch found in shrimp, crab, and other shellfish skeletons, so if you have a shellfish allergies, Do not take this product.

As suggested earlier, its most common uses are:
A plant growth enhancer
A defender against some of the fungal infections found in plants
As a filtration component in water processing
It is used as well, to remove phosphorous, heavy minerals, and oils from water
A agent for clarifying beer and wine, which removes yeast cells, fruit particles etc.
Also as a coagulant used on bandages, having natural anti-bacterial properties.

The question here today, is what about weight loss, after all, this is what the theory or remedy promotes.

Chitosan, is frequently sold in health food stores and is mentioned as a substance that attracts fat in your digestive system and removes it from your body. The thought of this is, you the dieter, could lose weight with out ever ever eating less.

But, time has told on this remedy , unfortunately, it is just a theory. As research has shown, unmodified Chitosan could possibly remove about 30 calories in a days diet. Yet, this product boasts of absorbing from three to six times its weight in fat and oil.

To test this product and its effectiveness, this weight loss remedy was used most likely by animals, not humans. Much speculation has been given to this product as to what it can or can not do. It seems most weight loss professionals would agree, that Chitosan does not do the job when it comes to weight loss.

Todays : Weight Loss Article Click Here

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Welcome to my blog.

Welcome to my blog about todays health.