Tuesday, November 10, 2009

" Enjoy A Happy and Healthy Life"

A Happy And Healthy Life can be Enjoyed Life... by  Seniors!

Every one today is preaching to you about the benefits of healthy living. However, all seniors should attempt to see a very important message lies at the heart of our preaching - we all should  make the effort to be healthy in order to improve our quality of life.

Substaining health is all about moderation. So what that means, do not go from on extreme to another. WHY? It just takes all of the enjoyment out of life. We all  like something that is bad for us, cutting down, rather than removing it entirely, maybe easier, than being miserable. Now that is just my opinion, there are certain key areas that require attention if an individual Senior wants to stay healthy:

Lets get into some of the obvious, Tobacco:  The warnings, what smoking can do to us. yet a large number of seniors still smoke.  You are more vulnerable to breathing difficulties. There are now clinics, medication and counselling sessions  that are aimed at those looking to quit. If you don't want to quit though, it would be advisable to cut down. Poor circulation, lung cancer and pneumonia are just some of the illnesses associated with smoking. You may  ask yourself how long you really want to be around for before lighting up next time.

Alcohol: Again there is nothing wrong with consuming alcohol, it is the results that can be harmfull. Moderation is the answer. Health guidelines state that men should not consume no more than two units , and women should limit themselves to one. A unit is the equivalent of a glass of wine or beer, or a shot of liquor. Now, all alcohol can contribute to certain cancers and liver disease and thus should be consumed sensibly.

Exercise: Seniors should exercise at least 1 hour's worth of exercise every week. It can be split into segments so long as you get the hour in a week. This exercise gives the muscles and joints a work out. This can ensure that they remain supple and flexible, thus cutting the risk of arthritis and stiff joints. It can  also get the blood pumping, boost your immune system and thus keep any diseases or illnesses at bay to ensure that you enjoy your Senior health rather than let it rule your life.

Nutrition: Diet is more important  for Seniors. Diabetes is common in seniors and, for the most part, has to be controlled by diet. Other ailments such as osteoporosis and arthritis can also be aided by a carefully controlled diet. Although none of these illnesses can be cured by a healthy diet, the condition that senior bodies are in can. Eating nutritious wholesome meals can give seniors the strength to fight against these effects.

Medical attention: Seniors should get regular health check ups, including blood pressure and sight/hearing exams. Blood glucose should also be tested so any sign of diabetes can be detected. What is more important than your health?  If you take care of your body, it will take care of you!

Regardless, how long each and eveyone of us has to live, trying to stay healthy will probably prolong our lives and certianly improve the quality of them. To good Health.

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